
Art Spigot Studio Store

Please Visit my Website

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I now have a Website!

I have finally built myself a website. I it did myself, too, which is why all the buttons may not work as expected and spelling errors are sure to be found.  But... on the bright side... I plan to start auctioning paintings (video-ed to music by my kids and friends and favorites) as soon as I have an online audience. I am collecting email addresses of people who may like to watch this for entertainment or participation. That way I can contact people when the auction starts. I am also giving away free one-of-a-kind original paintings to anyone who gets me 50 email subscribers.  Please visit to figure this all out.

Go there and give me your email address!


Painting Brazilian Toucans

Click here for: Video Tutorial 
Trapped by an ice storm with my sister and her kids visiting from Florida, we decided to paint for entertainment.  My niece, a sophmore at MVNU, was packing to fly to Brazil for the semester, and so I decided to teach them to paint a Toucan. The video shows the finished product for all 7 of us. When my niece arrived in Brazil, she facebook-ed me a photo of the art classroom on campus, which, lo and behold, had a display of painted Toucans. If you friend me on Facebook you can see it!  



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