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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Doodle Bible

Click here: Doodle Bible Video
This is a video I put together using a compilation of all my students sketches after many weeks of teaching. It was a fun way to teach  and remember those Bible facts!
Several years ago I took on the task of teaching 3rd and 4th graders in Christian Education.

I found a great way to do this was to give each student a sketchbook to keep "doodle-notes" in. They helped me divide the sketchbook into the major sections of the Bible - Law... History... Poetry...Prophecy... Gospels...Letters... Then, each week I'd read or tell them a Bible story, and I would show them how to do a simple doodle to go along with the story. We skipped around, whatever good story I could find at the last minute.
Believe it or not, they remember the main points of the stories from this, and they know what section of the Bible it came from. Even weeks later. At the end of the year they have their sketchbook to take home... a permanent record of what they learned.
While this may sound a bit odd at first, in reality, the idea has been a hit! Using the doodles in the class seems fun, artsy and laid back…yet the basic study is very chronological and structured. I must say the use of sketching in the lessons really helps my students move into a right brain, active learning mode. The little "interrupters" usually zip up their lips when they are drawing.



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